The wire forms a loop and passes over the small pulleys at A, B, C, and D. If its end […] Wire forms a loop and passes over the small pulleysOctober 30, 2016 in Mechanics: Statics tagged Engineering Mechanics: Statics / equilibrium / Forces
2 The unstretched length of spring AB is 3 m. If the block is held in the equilibrium position shown, determine […] The unstretched length of spring AB is 3 mOctober 30, 2016 in Mechanics: Statics tagged Engineering Mechanics: Statics / equilibrium / Forces
2 Determine the stretch in springs AC and AB for equilibrium of the 2-kg block. The springs are shown in the […] Determine the stretch in springs AC and ABOctober 30, 2016 in Mechanics: Statics tagged Engineering Mechanics: Statics / equilibrium / Forces